Sunday, March 19, 2006

Doctor Who Good Or Bad?

I think the jury is still out. The new show is better than the old shows. I just thought that a smash hit in Great Britain would be better! The first episode was bad but the second was okay. I will watch all 13 episodes and hold off judgment.

Ajax or Web 2.0

Ajax, the new hot web development technique. It uses JavaScript and XML to create interactive web pages. Web application are run on the client computer instead of on the web server. The idea is to decrease data traffic between the client and the web server. Web developers should check out how to use Ajax.I think that Ajax could cause more security problems on the internet. More and more web application will be running on the host or client computer instead of on the server. I do not trust the writers of all those web applications that now will be running on my computer!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Battlestar Galactica Season Finale a Dream Episode?

I think so! Some of my friends think it is a dream of Adama, Roslin or Baltar. I am betting on Baltar. He puts his head on his desk after talking to Adama about colonization of New Caprica. The next scene is Baltar being woken up by Lt. Gaeta. Form that point on the episode is a dream. I just wish that we did not have to wait to Oct. for new episodes. I think that they are fracking with us!

Star Wars TV Series in 3D?

That has to be a joke. Lucas said "Yeah, with glasses and everything" in response to a Time interviewer. The idea sounds cool. A 100 episode run of shows about the young Luke Skywalker. The big question is what network will agree to airing 100 episodes. What if the rating tank after the first few episodes. The Sci-Fi channel would be the logical place to put the show.