It is a good magazine isn't it.I like it a lot, but usually have to wait a while after they publish because of the international shipping delays.I'd be curious to hear what you like (and dislike) about the magazine. Are there areas you would like to see more coverage, or more detail? What about the level of depth - want more technical info, or less? Things like that. Publishers (and writers like me) are always interested in hearing what their readers have to say. I think they have a feedback section on their online user forum as well.
One of the best technical magazine is
Maximum PC Magazine. I think that the magazine is a good balance between beginning to0 technical for the average reader and not too basic for the advanced reader. I think that even an advance subject can be easier to understand with lots of examples and step by step pictures of the process. The other two cool things they do are. One, have special additions with step by step guides with lots of pictures to show you how to build computers. Two they do detail comparisons of hardware and software too gave the customer insights as too the good and bad side of each. I think that the magazine can be come more technical if done right. I think that the magazine needs to become more technical and more detailed. They can always do a special addition on one type of robot. Go onto a lot of detail about its construction with a lot of pictures. Save more general articles for the main magazine. I would like to see more articles on the history of robots and Robo/ones. Interviews with the top builders not just ones from the US. The Popular Science articles on robots had nothing on home built robots or on robo/ones. I think that they didn't even know that robots are beening builded by hobbies and beening builded by people outside the US. That embarrassed me as an America. That is what is so great about the internet. Robosaveys forum is based in the UK and you live in and write your website from Japan. I would have never know about or been able to build my Robonova without help from people that I have never meet or talked too. There needs too be more in depth articles about modifications and building tips. The instruction Manuel that came with my robot was hard to understand. I think that buying a robot from Japan or South Korea scares off a lot of people in the US because of hard too understand instruction manuals. I think a well done building video in English would help out this problem. I welly want too make this video but do not have the time or money to do it right now. I think the robot magazine could come with a cd full with programs, videos and software about robots. The last thing that I can think of right now is that the magazine needs to tell about what maybe wrong with a product. I know that computer hardware and software companies want too hear about the bad side of there products and how they compare too other companies. I know they go out of there way too get good reviews and too have the best product in the eyes of Maximum PC magazine. That only helps the customer in my thinking.