Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Dayton Moore new GM for the Royals.

Sounds like a awesome hire. I just hope he builds the team around pitching, defense and speed!!!!!!!!!! Why did the Braves let him go? Seems to have a lot of experience. A book for all Royals fans. It has to be a great father's day gift.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Added more build pictures of Robonova.

I think now is the hard part. I have to add the control board, connect the servos and the hardest part tie up all the servo wires. Pictures

Walk around inspection of Robonova. All most done!

Final check of Robonova servo range of motion.

Pictures of my Robonova assembly.

Check out all my pictures of my Robonova assembly. I am about done.

A Robonova building video.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Checking Robonova's legs for correct range of motion.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Finish the feet before attaching the legs

I think that you should attached the foot covers and arrange servo foot wires before attaching the legs. If you look at page 26 and 27 of the manual the feet are not attached to the legs. Complete the feet first then attach the legs to them. I think that it is the easiest way to make the legs. Pages 26 and 27 should come before pages 23 through 25.

Getting the servos on the right side.

The diagram on page 10 helps. You can also check the screw color and the direction the servo wires point. The servo wires will all point to the outside of the leg or arm. The black screws should be all on one side and the silver all on the other side.

Error on page 22 of Robonova manual.

The numbers of the servos are wrong. 3 and 2 and 1 and 4 go together. The correct alignment is on the top of page 21.

The numbered servo horns.

When you screw back on the number servo horns they will move out of position. So double check the horn's alignment because it will be off when you screw it back on. I hope they do not have to be exact. Mine are probably off a little.

A trick to holding on to robonova's servos

I am using black shelf liner on my work table and a small piece in my hand. When you are screwing and unscrewing the servo case screws the servo is hard to hold. The non-slick, grabbing surface of the liner helps. The liner also protects your hand.

Phillips screw drivers and Robonova

On most of the screws I am using a #1 phillips screw driver. I use a magnetic one to start the screw and a normal one to tighten the screw. My first screw driver tip is showing a lot of wear. I am now on my second one. Unscrewing and then screwing back on the servo casing screws is a lot of hard. The process of mounting the servos to the frame work of the robot is what takes up most of your time in assembly.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Robonova-1 build pictures!

These are pictures from my building of the Robonova. I going to add more in the next few weeks.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Grace Park and Battlestar Galactica up for many Emmys!

Check out the Sci Fi channel's Emmy page.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Using nuts and washers on hip and ankle brackets.

Looks like my idea will work. It is hard to do because you have to us needle nose pliers to start and screw on the nut. Once you get it started a 2mm washer and nut will fit with no problem on the 2mm machined screw. I have more pictures of the assembly of my robonova. I will try to post more when I have time. I hope to finish building and posting all the pictures in the next few weeks.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Thanks Lem!

From Lem at Robot dreams
Thanks for the help.

ROBO-ONE: Intended to be the Formula One competition for bipedal robots. The first day of the competition is devoted to demonstrations' where the team has 2 minutes to demonstrate their robot and show off its performance. There's a panel of judges that score on a number of factors. Only the top 32 robots get to come back the next day to compete in the ring. The height limitation was added after the ROBO-ONE 7 competition when the Koreans showed up with a huge robot that was about 3 times taller than normal. There is no weight restriction for this classification. Starting with ROBO-ONE 10 this September it looks like the foot size regulations will get tighter.ROBO-ONE J is basically the beginner classification. The robots are smaller, though some of the ROBO-ONE J robots also compete in theROBO-ONE class. With ROBO-ONE J 7 this August the weight limitation is being raised from 1.5 kg to 2.0 kg. At the same time the foot size regulations are getting tighter. The J-class is open to anyone, butthey really encourage family participation and give a 50 point handicap to family teams with junior high school or younger operators.ROBO-ONE Special includes challenges like walking up and down stairs,opening and going through doors, crossing an obstacle course, and the like. Usually only the top robots like Yokozuna Great, Dynamizer, anda others with similar skill levels even get to enter. ROBO-ONE On PC - rather than being a computer game, it's actually ananalytical, design challenge. The challenge is posed and then the entrants have to come up with their best solution/design using computer based CAD, analysis, and simulation software tools. It's beenthe basis for the ROBO-ONE in the Space project.Technical Conference - A one day conference featuring presentations by many of the top competitors and industry guru's. The papers presentedat conferences 1 through 5 are available for download on the ROBO-ONEwebsite (in Japanese).There's also the ROBO-ONE GP (Grand Prix) events - a series ofcontests between the top competitors that take place through out theyear. Usually they're held in conjunction with a major robot orindustry trade show or exhibition and are intended to promote interestin ROBO-ONE.

Problems with on-line translators.

Lem "There are a few problems with translations like this. First, theJapanese writer always assumes that the reader is already familar withthe topic, so they tend to leave out a lot of information. Usuallythey are very surprised when they find out that people don'tunderstand what they wrote. It happens all the time here.Another major problem is with the translation of 'negatives'. Quiteoften the sense gets reversed."

I get the same response from friends on blog entries and from teachers on test essay questions and essays I turn in!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Robo-one Classes


Robo-One J Class:

Robo-One Special:

Robo-One PC:

Anti-static work gloves.

Also when I was at my local computer store. I found these anti-static work gloves.
These gloves and a anti-static pad should protect my robonova's controller board from esd during assembly.

Cable Sleeving Kit

I was at one of my local computer stores and found this kit. It was more than enough sleeving for my robonova's servo wires. 10 feet of 1/8, 1/4 sleeving. 5 feet of 3/8, 1/2 sleeving. It also has some heatshrink tubing and nylon zip ties. All for only 16.00 dollars.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Servo horn placement on Robonova.

Matt Bauer has a help page on placement both for the arms and legs. The pictures and text help. I think the manual needs some work. On bauer's page click on the Robonova-1 help in the middle. Then click on the P1 or page one index number near the top of page.

Loctite 222

From Tempusmaster:
I'm not sure about the Hitec Robonova manual reference since I don't have one, but the most common "screw lock" used among the Robo-One builders here in Japan is Loctite 222. It's only applied for metal to metal threads (not metal to plastic) and used in moderation. Some people use a stronger Loctite, but it can be hard to break loose if you're not careful - and sooner or later you will want to remove screws. Here's what the Loctite website says about 222:222 Threadlocker Low Strength/Small ScrewLow strength threadlocker. Designed for precision metal fasteners under 3/4". Protects threads from rust and corrosion. Removable with hand tools. Available WorldwideTypical ApplicationsSet screws, adjustment screws, calibration screws, meters, gauges.

I am still not sure why to use it on a robo-one. The screws should not rust and you may want to remove them in the future. It may help keep them in place? I think I will try my washer and nut idea on the screws. I am worried about the stress on the hip bracket the most. The robonova manual dose not say where to use the screwlock. So I think that I will not use it right now.

Java-One Conference

A friend of mine is going to the java-one conference. He is going to give a report on lego robots programmed in java and the Mythbusters. I can miss the lego robots but the Mythbusters! There is a after hours party on Thursday where they will talk about the show. They write articles for the robot magazine. That is where I first found out about robo-ones.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Interviews with Grace Park.

Found two new interviews with Grace Park from Battlestar Galactica.
I can't believe we have to wait until October for new episodes!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Robot-Fan has a help page.

I used excite to translate the page. It says something about screw lock. The translation is bad so I am not sure what it is? The hitec manual also mentions screw lock on page 11. You can download the pdf version of the manual. It takes a lot of time to go through the robot-fan page because the translation is not the best. Has many cool videos when you find them.

Ideas on protecting servo wires.

Matt Bauer called it snake-skin shielding. It protects the power supply wires in my computer case. It is called cable sleeving, braided wrap-around sleeving. You can buy it in rolls at most computer stores usually in a case mod sleeving kit. There are also wire looms, spiral wrap and heat shrink tubing. Most of then can be bought at computer stores. I am wondering if they my be to bulky. Black electric tape and lots of cable ties may work the best?

Robo-one Pictures and videos

I like the up close and detail pictures of the robo-ones. I need to come up with a way to protect my servo wires on my robonova. Pictures on the teamkiss site.

A website translator.

I am not sure how well the Babel Fish translator works. I am hoping to use it on some of the Japanese robo-one websites.

A Robot called Plen.

The video of it roller skating is way cool. I can't tell if you can buy them are not. I am only counting about 12 servos with four in the body. I would like to know more about it. Plen website. A Plen video at robot-fan.

Wish there was a Robot store like that where I live!

Check these pictures out. There on the robot dreams site. Maybe some day in the USA.

Question #8 about the Robonova kit?

Correct alignment of the servo horns in both the legs and arms looks to be my next question. It looks like it makes sense. You align the numbers on the servo horns to the numbers on a clock. It looks like the legs will be harder than the arms. I will have to wait to the building process to see how hard it is to do.

Came up with a idea for the Robonova hip and ankle brackets!

I went to my local hardware store. There I found 2mm washers and nuts. It looks like they will fit on the 2mm machined screw that is used on the hip and ankle brackets. I think that I can screw on the nuts with my needle nose pliers. I think that it should reinforce the hip and ankle brackets. I think that there will be a lot of stress on the hip brackets. Putting the nuts on the screws should help. I don't see how that will effect the freedom of movement of the robot.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

On-line help for assembling your Robonova

robosavvy's help pages.
Matt Bauer's help pages.
A robot group in Uk.
A Robonova user site.
AstroDay Institute built a Robonova.
Robot magazine also had a article on building a Robonova in it's Spring 2006 magazine.
I hope these help?

Question #7 about the Robonova kit?

Connecting the servo wires into the control board. It is real hard to tell by the pictures but I think the notch side of the connector always goes on the inside of the three pins. Or you can say the pin closest to the switch on both sides.

Question #6 about the Robonova kit?

I wish that they had made the servo signal wire a lighter gray. I think the black and the gray are real close in color. I think the notch in the connector on the same side of the gray wire is the best way to tell how to plug the connector in.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Question #5 about the Robonova kit?

The manual says nothing about esd(electrostatic discharge) when handling the controller board. I think this is a over site. The board comes packaged in a antistatic bag. It also looks just like a computer motherboard. When handling the controller board I think one should take preventive measures. If damage is done to the board it may be hard to diagnose. A replace board will also cost you over a 200.00 dollars. I think that a anti-static mat and a conducting wrist strap will do the trick. Also do not use a magnetic screw driver around it.

Question #4 about the Robonova kit?

Not a question, more of a unclear point in the manual. This may be a obvious point. When you look at the pictures of leg or arm assembly the one on the left is the right appendage and the one on the right is the left appendage. If you forget this point you may get servo placement wrong.

Question #3 about the Robonova kit?

In the assembly of the ankle and thigh brackets you use four screws each. I think that using bolts with nuts and washers would work best here, not sure? The stress on the hip or thigh bracket has to be high? I am going to check out my local hardware store. Is the problem that the screws or so small and that there is not enough room for a nuts and bolts? I have to check this out.

Question #2 about the Robonova kit?

On the servo a without ce mark is right orientation and with a ce mark is left orientation. The problem is that all servos have a ce mark! I think what they mean is that servos on the left side of the robot should have the ce side facing up or toward you. You got to check the numbers on the servos because they look all most identical.

Question #1 about the Robonova kit?

The manual says to use a #1 and #2 phillips screw drivers. My craftsman's #1 and #2 screw drivers look to big for the small screws in the kit. So I went out and bought a #0, #00 and a #000 phillips screw drivers. I am just going to use the one that fits the screws the best.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

What I think the KC Royals line-up should be!

There is hope again in KC. The Royals have won three in a row and they are only the third worst team in baseball! Maybe miss guided hope or unrealistic dreaming but hope! I think that the biggest mistake made by the front office is to not to bring in players with speed. Royals stadium is one of the largest in the American league. I think that we should draft or sign as free agents players who can run fast and steal bases. If you sign a slow player he should have a line drive swing which produces doubles. In the off season we sign single hitters with no speed. In a big stadium you need good pitching backup by players would can play good defense and who can cover lots of ground. Aka players who can run fast. To this end this is my lineup.

German, 3B
Grudzielanek, 2B
Huber, 1B
Stairs, DH
Sanders, RF
Guiel, LF
Berroa, SS
Buck, C
Robinson, CF

When DeJesus gets back it should be.

DeJesus, CF
Grudzielanek, 2B
Huber, 1B
Stairs, DH
Sanders, RF
Berroa, SS
German, 3B
Buck, C
Robinson, LF

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

How to teach your Robo-one to walk

A great article on robotdreams on how a robo-one walks. In the middle of the article there is also a flash animation that gives a good visual representation on how it happens. It makes you wonder why we don't fall on are faces more often! I have got to find some time to build my robonova-1!

Monday, May 08, 2006

I finally have a Robo-one!

My RoboNova-1 showed up in the mail last week. I am trying to find sometime to put it together. I have been reading the manual at work.
There seems to be some confusing pictures and instructions in the manual. I am going to post each one and what I think it means. I am also going to try to take pictures during each stage of the building process. I think I will name him Gort after the humanoid robot from the movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still". That way if he gets out of control I can say "Klaatu barada nikto"!

The awesome Grace Park!

Check out her maxim photo shoot pictures and video at She plays Boomer on BattlestarStar Galactica.